HttpMaster is a development tool to automate testing of web sites and services, including RESTful web services and API applications, and monitor their responses. With HttpMaster you can easily execute and monitor requests to simulate client activity; it can execute requests against various web servers and display complete request and response data. HttpMaster is also able to generate high volume of web traffic for improved testing. HttpMaster project (hmpr file) exposes a large number of options to fine tune generated web requests, for example, to specify http method, values of http headers, global URL and query string values, content types, request encoding, and many more. HttpMaster also supports definition of dynamic parameters which can be be used to generate high volume of web requests. Dynamic parameters are used to specify dynamic data for web parameters (for example, query string parameters) to generate multiple different requests to the same internet resource. When executing web requests, HttpMaster allows you to monitor and review complete request and response data of each executed request. When working with HttpMaster, you will use intuitive user interface with tabs, descriptive icons, 'quick help' buttons and integrated help file.
Download and use it now: HttpMaster Express